Tuesday, May 18, 2010
This summer I am going to swim every day. My brothers and usually swim for about 3 hours a day and then we drive to Seven Eleven and get Slurpees. I can't wait until I taste those juicy delicious Slurpees. I am also going to ride my bike to my friends houses. I bet this summer I will barely be home which means I'll be hanging out with friends the whole time. What are you going to do this summer?
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
What would you do if you had a magic wand
If I had a magic wand I would wish for many things. The first thing I would wish for would be 500000000000000000000000000000 billion dollars. I would then travel the world and give it to homeless people. I would then wish I had jet packs and I would never have to refuel them. I would also wish that I was the most known person in the world, and have people worship me. It would be amazing if we could have colonies on different planets so I would then wish for that. The last thing I would wish for would be that I would be invincible. If I had a magic wand those are the things I would do with it.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
End of the Year
What do you think about the end of the school year? I am happy but I am also pretty sad. I am happy because it is the end of the school year but I am sad because I won't see my friends often during summer. 2 weeks until the end. This summer I am just going to relax, I am also going to Mexico. What are you doing this summer and what do you think about the end of the school year?
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Field Trip
If I could go on a field trip that is 3 hours away, I would go to The YMCA because YMCA rocks. YMCA rocks because you can go swimming, rollerskating, hiking, and play basket ball. Also, YMCA has a giant buffet but the food is not the best (no offense). I remember when I went there for a field trip with my school we had a blast. YMCA is also a great place for bonding time. Those are the reasons why YMCA rocks.
Friday, April 30, 2010
The Most Important Thing
The most important thing out of being popular, accomplishing things, and being organized would be accomplishing things. Accomplishing things is the most important thing because you could be rich if you accomplished something very important. Also, even though fame is not the most important thing, you could become famous. You could also accomplish something that is really cool and that uses advanced technology.
The least important thing
I think the least important thing to have out of money, fame, or power would be fame. Fame is not important because if your famous people will always be asking for you're autograph. Also you would have a very complex schedule and you would not be able to plan you're own things. If you had money and power you could have a nice house and also have people serve you. What would you rather have?
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
My Top Three Careers
My top three careers would be Software engineer, Game Designer, or an Inventor. I would be a Software Engineer because I am good at doing stuff with my hands. I would be a Game Designer because I have a great taste in video games and I know when a game is going to be good by the graphics and the gameplay. Last, I would want to be an Inventor because I have a great imagination and I could come up with great invention ideas. Those would be my top three career choices. What do you think?
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Trip Around the World
If I went on a trip around the world and I could take three people with me I would take my three brothers, Sean, Daniel, and Thomas. I would take my three brothers with me because I am closest to them and I trust them the most. We would go and see the Roman Colosseum, Eiffel tower, and Egyptian pyramids. If I went on a trip around the world, that is what I would do and those are the people I would take.

I think that people who pollute the environment are foolish. They should know that they are hurting this planet and if they don't stop soon we will all die. I'm just kidding. If people recycle then we can reuse products and save quite a bit of money. Also, Polluting is really bad for the planet. Scientists have theory about this thing called global warming which they believe is caused by pollution. If we recycle we could not only save money, but save our planet! Please comment.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Devil Red Lamborghini
Friday, April 16, 2010
If I Could Go back in Time I would go To.....
If I could go back in time I would go to 1392 and beat Christopher Columbus to discovering America. I know Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492 but It would be way cooler to discover it 100 years before him. The clothes I would wear would be an armor suit. I would where an armor suite so that if I was attacked I would be protected. My hobbies would be to sail around and discover Mexico, Canada, and South America. I would also invent the Chich flying machine. I would be the coolest person that ever lived. I would also do a lot of swimming so that if my boat sunk I would be able to swim back to land. What would you do?
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
The Best Casadias
The best casadia I have ever had was from Taco Bell. The reason why I like taco bell's casadias are because of the sauce that they put on it. It isn't spicy in the beginning but then after a while the sauce starts to build up in your mouth and it gets a little bit spicy. I also like them because they are cheep. Those are the reasons why I think Taco Bell's casadias. What do you think?
Monday, April 12, 2010
Would You Rather?
Would you rather ride in a tight crate for a thirteen-hour plane flight or with cows in the back of a truck for a two-day road trek?
I would rather sit in the back of a truck with cows for two days because I am a very clastriphobic person and I would rather die than sit in a crate for 13 hours. What would you wrather do, be in a crate for 13 hours or sit in the back of a truck with cows for 2 days. Please comment. ^-^
I would rather sit in the back of a truck with cows for two days because I am a very clastriphobic person and I would rather die than sit in a crate for 13 hours. What would you wrather do, be in a crate for 13 hours or sit in the back of a truck with cows for 2 days. Please comment. ^-^
Thursday, April 8, 2010
My Favorite Family Member
My favorite family member would have to be my 2nd oldest brother because he is very kind and sharing. He use to be grumpy and never share with me but this year he just started to be nice. When our computer was down and I just bought a new game, my brother let me download it to his laptop. He also drives me to places when I ask him to. My brother is truly amazing because of the reasons above.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Bucket List
10 things I would do before I die would be......
1.) Go ski diving
2.) Bungie Jumping
3.) Meet a Celebrity
4.) Make over 3 million dollars
5.) Own a company
6.) Go to space
7.) Fly an airplane
8.) Join a band
9.) Get in a giant paintball war
10.) Shake hands with the president
Those are the things I would do before I die
1.) Go ski diving
2.) Bungie Jumping
3.) Meet a Celebrity
4.) Make over 3 million dollars
5.) Own a company
6.) Go to space
7.) Fly an airplane
8.) Join a band
9.) Get in a giant paintball war
10.) Shake hands with the president
Those are the things I would do before I die
If could change one thing about myself and it would not be physical, I wish I would like more foods than I do now. For example, I wish I would like more veggies. I do like fruit. I guess I don't like veggies because they are not sweet. Another example is fish. I have never been a big fan of sea food. Probably the only sea food I will eat is calamari. That is what I would do if I could change one thing about me that is not physical.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Next door animals picture day
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Ice Cream
I love ice cream! It always sooths me when I am hot or just not in good mood. The thing I really love about ice cream is that it is cold. I mean, think about ice cream being hot. Gross! I have a suggestion, try ice cream with a hot brownie on top. Its amazing!
Friday, March 12, 2010
Devil Giraffe
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
These are troubling times! We are in a recession people! You need to start saving your money. Some suggestions are to eat at home rather than going out to eat. Also don't go buying stuff you want and don't need. Also check the stock market and try to buy the shares you can. If you do what I say, then you have a better chance of survival! Please do what I ask and then you can enjoy your life once we come out of this.
Monday, March 8, 2010
Blast Off!
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Goldilocks and the Three Bears
I like Goldilocks and the Three Bears because I feel that it is a very creative story. Who thinks of a girl going into a house that bears live in and then using their stuff. I forgot who wrote the book, but he/she must have been a genius. My favorite part was when Goldilocks falls asleep and then wakes up to all of the bears looking down at her. Then she freaks out and ran out of the house. Those are the reasons why Goldilocks and the Three Bears is my favorite book.
What I admire about my Mom and Dad
First, one thing that I admire about my dad is that sometimes on Saturday mornings he makes giant breakfasts. he will make like 20 pancakes, 20 french toast, 10 sausage, and a lot of eggs. One thing that I admire about my mom is that she always helps me with my work. Also she is a doctor so if I am sick she can tell me what sickness I have. Those are some reasons why I admire my parents.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Friday, February 26, 2010
Gun Laws
I think we should have stricter gun laws in the United States. I think this because so many innocent people are dying. This week, there was a gun shooting and a guy walked into the school and shot 2 people. Luckily the people lived. A couple years ago, a Bronco player was shot and killed by some person. It really makes me mad when people loose their lives because someone is either mental or just plain out stupid. That is why I think the United States should have stricter gun laws.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
My 10 Favorite Websites
These are my favorite websites.
1.) Bestbuy.com
I like http://www.bestbuy.com/ because I can look at all the electronics that I love.
2.) Addictinggames.com
I like Addictinggames because if I am bored I can hop on the site and play free games fast.
I like Google because I can search anything that I pretty much want to.
I like gmail because I can chat with my friends when I am bored.
5.) www.amazon.com
I like Amazon because I think it is fun to look at things I can't afford.
I like infinite campus because I can check my grades when I want to.
I like blogger because I can make my own blog which you know I already have.
Youtube is awesome because I can look up any of my favorite videos and watch them.
I like itunes because I can buy my favorite music.
I like bungie because they are the company that helped make Halo which is one of my favorite games.
1.) Bestbuy.com
I like http://www.bestbuy.com/ because I can look at all the electronics that I love.
2.) Addictinggames.com
I like Addictinggames because if I am bored I can hop on the site and play free games fast.
I like Google because I can search anything that I pretty much want to.
I like gmail because I can chat with my friends when I am bored.
5.) www.amazon.com
I like Amazon because I think it is fun to look at things I can't afford.
I like infinite campus because I can check my grades when I want to.
I like blogger because I can make my own blog which you know I already have.
Youtube is awesome because I can look up any of my favorite videos and watch them.
I like itunes because I can buy my favorite music.
I like bungie because they are the company that helped make Halo which is one of my favorite games.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Fat Animals
Thursday, February 18, 2010
My Poor Dog
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
What I Did This Weekend Was......
This weekend I went to a town in the mountains where there is haunted hotel. We traveled there because we had a foreign exchange student. It was very frightening driving by it because it had a disturbing story that goes with it. A long time ago a family of four went to the hotel, the dad went insane, and chopped his family into pieces, then took a shotgun and shot himself. Later that night we watched The Shining, the movie based off of that story. It was very gory. What did you do this weekend?
Thursday, February 11, 2010
The Awesome Fireworks
Friday, February 5, 2010
Wind Effect
Monday, February 1, 2010
if I Had a Super Power it would be...
If I could have one super power, I would want it to be shape shifting. I could use it for good by helping a lady who is being robbed. I could turn into a Gorilla and scare the guy who stole the purse. If someone was trying to rob a bank I could turn into a giant gun and point it at the guy. Last but not least, if someone was sky diving and their parachute broke, I could turn into a bird and catch the person. It would be truly amazing to be able to shape shift. That is the one power I wish I could have.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Not a Good Day

I remember that day. I was climbing a wall and my mom wanted to get a picture. So I sat there while she took the picture. Right after she took it, My back felt like it was on fire. IT WAS! I also had all these arrows in my back. Yes, if your wondering, I did fall. It hurt. The funny part was that I was bald for a month. Has anything happened to you like this. Please comment!
I Really Hate it When...
I really hate it when people stare at me. I don't know why though. I'm just walking down the street and then BAM! Someone stares at me. I try to look away, but that usually doesn't work. I usually think someone is staring but really no one is. My brother is exactly the same. He hates it when people stare at him too. That is why I don't like to go up on stage in front of people because I think they are staring at me. Do you not like something?
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
My Vicious Little Tiger!!!!
Friday, January 22, 2010
Game of the Week
The game of the day today is.......................................DRAGON AGE! Dragon Age won because it won best RPG game for 2009. You travel around a continent called Fereldon. In this game, a race called the dark spawn, attacks you and they win. After the battle, you try to get the three good races (elves, dwarfs, humans) to join you in destroying the dark spawn. Please visit my site again.
Favorite Teacher
My favorite middle school teacher is Mrs. M, my science teacher. She is really enthusiastic and fun. She is my favorite teacher because she's kind, helpful, easy to work with, and as I said earlier, fun. I'm sure if you were able to meet her then you would really like her too. She also has us do a lot of fun experiments. Visit this site again!
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
About me and the site
Hey, whats up. Do you like video games? Well your in for a ride of fun. Here you will find, not only my opinion, but your opinion of great games. My display name is Chich. My favorite food is probably pizza. I really don't have a favorite video game, but my favorite movie is Sherlock Holmes. I like animals, and love ice cream. Please visit my website again.
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